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CA4LA eslite spectrum Songyan Store OPEN Wednesday, January 10!

CA4LA 's new store in Taiwan, "CA4LA eslite spectrum Songyan Store", will open on Wednesday, January 10th.

This is CA4LA 's latest shop, with a simple one-tone space based on gray and contrasting furniture with classical details.
To celebrate the opening, customers who purchase over NT$3,000 will receive a「CA4LA HAT&CAP DEODORIZING SPRAY CA4LA HAT&CAP DEODORIZING SPRAY」on a first-come, first-served basis!

We are sincerely looking forward to seeing you at the store.
※Novelty distribution will end as soon as all the novelties are gone.

eslite spectrum Songyan Store
No. 88號, Yanchang Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110
Business Hours:11:00~22:00