The best hat for everyone
CA4LA(pronounced “kashira”) is a brand that continues to produce hats brimming with originality
and born from excellent “Made in Japan” craftsmanship.
Since the foundation of the brand in 1997, our goal has always been simple: To make the best hat for everyone.
These words express our deep love of hats.
Hats are a fashion item, but we also believe they hold a special place in any culture.
As Japan’s unique hat culture fashionably evolves, we will continue showcasing it to the world.
Hats with a playful spirit, backed by reliable “Made in Japan” craftsmanship. We are proud of our design team’s diverse lineup of original items, tailored to any fashion or occasion.
CA4LA’s main collection is based on the concept of creating hats to complement any lifestyle. In addition to working with other fashion brands, we participate in cultural collaborations related to music, movies and art.
CA4LA Atelier Madeカシラアトリエメイド
CA4LAのものづくりの拠点である「CA4LA ATELIER(カシラアトリエ)」のデザイナーと職人が、デザインから製作までを一貫して手掛けるオールハンドメイドライン。ハンドメイドならではのラグジュアリーかつ温もりあふれるアイテムが揃います。
From design to production, this all-handmade line is created by the designers and craftspeople at our manufacturing base, CA4LA ATELIER. This special line features hats that are both luxurious and full of the warmth that can only be attained through hand craftsmanship.
CA4LA & KIDSカシラアンドキッズ
親子お揃いでかぶれる帽子はもちろん、子どもたち自身が「かぶりたい!」と思える帽子づくりをコンセプトに展開するCA4LAのキッズライン。CA4LA & KIDSの「&」には、子どもたちを見守り、一緒に成長していくという意味が込められています。
The CA4LA’s kids’ line is based on the concept of creating matching hats for parents and children, as well as creating the types of hats that children themselves want to wear. The “&” in CA4LA & KIDS stands for the experience of looking after children and growing together with them.