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Kaela's Christmas Gift for the holidays

Kaela Kimura, who is celebrating her 20th debut anniversary this year,
I came to CA4LA to look for a Christmas gift.
What kind of gift would you choose for whom?

Points to consider when choosing a gift and the mood you want to create
It will be delivered in Q&A format.

Kaela, you have released some Christmas songs, but how do you usually spend your Christmas? Also, are there any memorable moments?
I often spend Christmas with my family. In the past, my mother used to do Christmas-like things like roasting chicken, and even now, as a "grandmother," my mother roasts chicken for her grandchildren, and we all eat a meal and have cake... It's a fun and precious time. Sometimes I invite friends over to my house! A lot of children gather, so my manager played the role of Santa and handed out presents, which is a good memory.
Is there any gift you've ever received that made you particularly happy or made a lasting impression?
I like things I can wear all the time, like accessories. Also, exchanging gifts is great. I've done it not only as a child, but also as an adult, deciding on a price, and the act of exchanging gifts is fun in itself. Even if you get something unusual that makes you think, "Huh? (lol)," it becomes a good memory in itself and leaves a lasting impression.

For Friend

To friends of the same sex and age,
Why did you choose this hat?
I have many friends my age who have children, so I think they may ride mamachari bicycles. While riding, the wind catches my ears and neck, making them cold, so I chose this hat because I wanted it to protect everything. The premise is that I'll be riding a mamachari bicycle (laughs). As it's a voluminous hat, I chose gray, which makes it easy to style and looks cute with any outfit or coat or scarf of any color.



A soft and fluffy knit hat with earmuffs. It blocks the wind well, so you can wear it safely even on a mamachari bicycle.


For Senior

What are some points to consider when giving a gift to a bandmate or someone who has helped you?
I want it, I want to try it, I think it's stylish, but I'm sure I would never buy it myself. That's the way I choose. This time, I thought of it for older people, but I put my thoughts into it that I want people to be stylish no matter how old they are. It's a hat that I would be happy to receive myself! As for the color, I thought that black would be surprisingly for advanced wearers. I chose khaki because I thought it would go well with any outfit and look stylish.



A flight cap is recommended for both fashion and cold weather protection. The key to choosing one is "I want one for myself, and it seems like it will be popular with everyone!"


For Kids

What do you look for when selecting a gift for your child?
I often give gifts that reflect my favorite worldview. When girls grow up and can wear the same size clothes as me, they tend to wear them more and more. I like berets the most out of all hats, and both my daughter and I wear them. So, if I were to give a gift, it would have to be a beret. I chose red because I don't think I would buy it myself, but I want her to try it. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of outfit she'll wear with a beret, so I want to give her a gift in a color that she can try out.



A simple design beret with a ruffle. The vivid colors send a message to children.


For Myself

Kaela, you love berets, and you chose a black beret as a gift for yourself. Please tell us your preference for berets. Also, sometimes you buy something special for yourself as a gift, how excited are you when you do so?
I have a lot of black berets because they are an item I wear a lot in the winter. The impression each one gives is completely different depending on the shape, fabric, and how rounded it is, so no matter how many I have, it's interesting, and I get curious about what this beret looks like. I enjoy giving them to myself as gifts.
I love clothes, accessories, and other things that I can wear, and I also tend to keep things for a long time. So I buy expensive things that I want to keep until I'm a grandmother. Also, fashions come and go, so I like to collect nice things that I can wear when they come around. When I buy something to reward myself, I usually go ahead and buy something that I can keep forever.



A loose-fitting unisex beret. It's a timeless item that you can wear all the time, so you can never have too many.


Do you ever give gifts to each other? What do you consider when choosing a gift? What do you look for when deciding?
I think first about the person I'm giving the gift to and what they would like, but the more I think about it, the less I know what to give, so in the end I usually just choose something I think would be nice. If I know exactly what the person likes, I might choose something that I don't think they have. Sometimes I'll ask them what they want and let my imagination run wild.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of your debut. Do you want to reward yourself with a gift to mark such a milestone?
I'm thinking about going abroad! It's been difficult to find the time to go abroad up until now, so I definitely want to go.